Sunday, January 22, 2012

Looking Back January 21, 1952, Snow related Activities Just got a Big Boost

Our family has a long history participating in the Rainy Lake tourism industry. We will reflect from time to time on that history along with many other topics about the history of Rainy Lake.

We have received almost six inches of snow since late Saturday night. All snowmobile and cross country ski trails are in excellent condition, the winter wonderland we so dearly love is back! Lake travel is as good as it has ever been!

The International Falls Daily Journal has a piece in the "Looking Back" column in January 21, 2012 addition. 

"60 Years Ago"
" It was a big night for Alderman Charles Williams. He arrived home at 2:00 AM from a six-hour session of the council. He had barely removed his hat and coat when his wife announced quietly the stork was about to call. He rushed his wife to Falls Memorial Hospital where he put in a ten hour session of pacing the lobby. An 8 pound 4 ounce baby girl was born.

Grampa Charlies dad Bob Williams bought the famous Kettle Falls Hotel in 1918 from Ed Rose for a $1000 and 4 barrels of moonshine. Grampa Bob ran the hotel from 1918-1956. Grampa Charlie and Grandma Blanche took over operation and continued to run Kettle Falls through 1977.

The baby girl born on January 22, 1952 was Peggy Ann. Peggy worked many years as a waitress during her high school years. Happy Birthday Peggy! Peggy was always a Charlie favorite. He named the boat used to transport guests from Ash River to Kettle Falls  the "Peggy Ann" .

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